VASP Compilation ======================= VASP Source Code ***************** As of 8/8/2014, all vasp source code and PAW info are located on grandcentral at /home/cam1/vasp/. The time stamps are on everything which can help you decipher which potcars are the new one, in case it is not obvious. If an authorized group member needs to download new source from vasp, instructions can be found in the vasp_download subdirectory in the sphinx doc source tree (obtained by cloning restricted git repository). Instructions for compiling VASP pure open source ********************************************************** These instructions are basically `copied`__ from Peter Larsson with a few minor details of differences. This might be useful if you want to compile somewhere that you do not have access to the Intel suite. .. code-block:: bash System info - Vasp5.2 - Ubuntu 12.04 - gfortran, g++ - openmpi1.5 - scalapack - OpenBLAS - fftw 1. use apt-get to install the following: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install gfortran git build-essential openmpi1.5-bin libopenmpi1.5-dev 2. Install OpenBlas (formerly Goto Blas) .. code-block:: bash git clone git:// cd OpenBlas make FC=gfortran CC=gcc USE_THREAD=0 3. Install scalapack .. code-block:: bash wget tar -xvzf scalapack.tgz cd scalapack-* cp Change the following two lines in as below, but use the proper path for OpenBLAS: .. code-block:: bash BLASLIB = -L/home/cam1/vasp/OpenBLAS -lopenblas LAPACKLIB = $(BLASLIB) Now Compile: .. code-block:: bash make 4. Install fftw .. code-block:: bash wget tar -xvzf fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz cd fftw-3.3.4 configure make sudo make install 5. compile vasp using the following two makefiles (:download:`main ` and :download:`lib `). __ Rondinelli's Makefile ********************************************************** These are the Makefiles that were used to build the executable that was used to benchmark on Rondinelli's cluster (:download:`main ` and :download:`lib `). Pure Intel Compilation ****************************** (Deprecated, see below) In this case we are compiling using the Intel Cluster Studio XE. The resulting executable is the one that is currently run on our local machines. It should be noted that these are always compiled in parallel, which is optimal for basically any modern multicore processor. If you want to use spin-orbit coupling, you need to simply remove the string "-DNGZhalf" from the main makefile and recompile. You do not need to recompile the lib. .. code-block:: bash System info - Vasp5.2 - Ubuntu 12.04 - Intel Cluster Studio XE The makefiles can be found here (:download:`main ` and :download:`lib `). .. code-block:: bash System info - Vasp.4.6 - Ubuntu 12.04 - Intel Cluster Studio XE The makefiles can be found here (:download:`main ` and :download:`lib `). .. _mordechai_compile_vasp: Mordechai's Instructions for compiling VASP 5.4.1 ************************************************** Thanks to a reorganziation of the files in 5.4.1, it is much easier to compile. #. Copy the linux intel file .. code-block:: bash cp arch/makefile.include.linux_intel makefile.include #. In that file, change ``mpif90`` (which uses gfortran) to ``mpiifort`` (which uses ifort) #. For FFT, use the VASP modules. Change OBJECTS and INCS to:: OBJECTS= fftmpi.o fftmpi_map.o fft3dfurth.o fft3dlib.o INCS= #. For Intel MPI, change BLACS/SCALAPACK linking to:: BLACS = -lmkl_blacs_intelmpi_lp64 SCALAPACK = -lmkl_scalapack_lp64 $(BLACS) LLIBS = -L$(MKL_PATH) $(SCALAPACK) $(LAPACK) $(BLAS) #. ``make all`` .. _lyuwens_compile_vasp: Lyuwen's Instructions for compiling VASP 5.4.1 *********************************************** It is a little different from the Mordechai's version, should be working for the most cases #. The first step is to build the libfftw3xf_intel.a .. code-block:: bash cd $MKLROOT/interfaces/fftw3xf make libintel64 compiler=intel INSTALL_DIR=${HOME}/.local/lib Now you should find ``${HOME}/.local/lib/libfftw3xf_intel.a`` built and ready. #. Then we have the vasp.5.4.1.tar.gz and all the patches from the vasp wiki .. code-block:: bash tar zxvf vasp.5.4.1.tar.gz wget \ \ gunzip patch.5.4.1.*.gz cd vasp.5.4.1; for i in $(ls ../patch.5.4.1.*);do patch -p1 < $i;done cp arch/makefile.include.linux_intel makefile.include #. Now change the FFTW directory :: OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o \ $(HOME)/.local/lib/libfftw3xf_intel.a INCS =-I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw #. Compile everything .. code-block:: bash make all #. To build the VASP on MacOS system you need to first install the intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for C++ OS X and the intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition for Fortran OS X respectively and remember to check the scalapack in fortran installation (By default it is off). And then compile the MPICH with the intel composers since the intel does not support impi for MacOS. Then we made a few changes to the makefile.include.linux_intel :: FC = mpifort #by default the mpi version of ifort mpich is this name FCL = mpifort -mkl BLACS=-lmkl_blacs_mpich_lp64 OBJECTS = fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o \ $(HOME)/.local/lib/libfftw3xf_intel.a Compiling VASP 5.4.1 with Wannier90 enabled *********************************************** In order to use Wannier90 with VASP, you need to compile with an additional flag linking to the wannier90 library file libwannier.a. Begin by compiling the Wannier90 library (ie. see our docs on compiling Wannier90). VASP 5.4.1 appears not to work with the latest version of Wannier90 (I tried), which is consistent with the VASP docs (`link `_). Therefore, compile WANNIER90 v1.2, and then link this directory into the VASP directory. .. code-block:: bash cam1@morningside:~/vasp/vasp.5.4.1$ ls arch bin build makefile makefile.include README src wannier90-1.2 First we need to set the flag -DVASP2WANNIER90: .. code-block:: bash CPP_OPTIONS= -DMPI -DHOST=\"IFC91_ompi\" -DIFC \ -DCACHE_SIZE=4000 -DPGF90 -Davoidalloc \ -DMPI_BLOCK=8000 -DscaLAPACK -Duse_collective \ -DnoAugXCmeta -Duse_bse_te \ -Duse_shmem -Dtbdyn -DVASP2WANNIER90 Now we need to modify the makefile such that it knows to link in the wannier library file. .. code-block:: bash LLIBS = -L$(MKL_PATH) $(SCALAPACK) $(LAPACK) $(BLAS) ../../wannier90-1.2/libwannier.a If you have already compiled, you can simply remove build/std/wannier*.o and recompile. VASP will now generate the necessary Wannier90 files if requested, and then the Wannier90 code can be used to actually generate the maximially localized Wannier. Please note that it is recommended to use the latest version of Wannier90 with these files given that it is backwards compatible and it has features that version 1.2 does not (ie. printing out Wannier Hamiltonian, etc). Compiling VASP 5.4.4 with or without Wannier90 enabled ********************************************************** The ``vasp.5.4.4.pl2.tgz`` file is available on grandcentral ``/home/cam1/vasp/``. Please note that VASP 5.4.4 requires subroutines implemented in MPI-3 which is not available in prior versions. Thus Intel Parallel Studio 2013 would not work with VASP 5.4.4. The pre-compiler flag ``-DnoAugXCmeta`` use in VASP 5.4.1 has been marked deprecated on `VASP wiki `_, and has beed tested to cause divergence in calulation of ThO2 with SCAN functional. It will not be used in this compilation. But keep in mind some of the compiled VASP 5.4.4 binaries may be compiled with the flag. * [OPTIONAL] If you want to compile vasp with Wannier90, compile Wannier90 v1.2 and append ``-DVASP2WANNIER90`` to the ``CPP_OPTIONS`` variable in the makefile.include, and append the path to the library ``libwannier.a`` to the ``LLIBS`` variable. * [OPTIONAL] If you want to include Intel's fftw3xf interface into the build, build the interface by the following command. (See :ref:`below ` for details about fftw) .. code-block:: bash cd $MKLROOT/interfaces/fftw3xf make libintel64 compiler=intel INSTALL_DIR=SOMEWHERE then append the path to the compiled static library ``libfftw3xf_intel.a`` located in ``SOMEWHERE`` to the ``LLIBS`` variable. * If you want to use parallel compiling, make sure you have ``makedepf90`` installed through ``apt`` or ``conda``, and change the makefile in the root directory to .. code-block:: bash VERSIONS = std gam ncl gpu gpu_ncl .PHONY: all veryclean versions $(VERSIONS) all: std gam ncl versions: $(VERSIONS) $(VERSIONS): mkdir build/$@ ; \ cp src/makefile src/.objects makefile.include build/$@ ; \ $(MAKE) -C build/$@ VERSION=$@ dependencies -j1 ; \ $(MAKE) -C build/$@ VERSION=$@ all veryclean: rm -rf build/* * Build vasp by running command ``make all``, if you want to use parallel compiling, then you can use command like ``make -j4 std``. * Notes on FFT libraries: .. _notes_on_fft: According to `VASP wiki `_, There are two choices of implementation when linking VASP with FFT: 1. To use Intel's MKL wrapper of fftw (and compiling with CPP_OPTIONS= .. -DMPI ..): .. code-block:: bash OBJECTS= fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o \ /libfftw3xf_intel.a INCS=-I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw 2. Or to use Juergen Furtmueller's FFT implementation (and -DMPI): .. code-block:: bash OBJECTS= fftmpi.o fftmpi_map.o fft3dfurth.o fft3dlib.o INCS= The compilation guide by :ref:`Mordechai ` used the second implementation while :ref:`Lyuwen `'s guide and this VASP 5.4.4 compilation guide recommands the first version. According to past runs the first implementation is faster. When using Intel MKL libraries to build VASP, all FFTW wrappers can be found in the dynamic library ``libmkl_intel_*.so`` or the static library ``libmkl_intel_*.a`` under ``$MKLROOT/lib/intel64``. Thus building the ``fftw3xf`` interface is not necessary, and VASP can be dynamically linked to the FFTW wrappers with the following configuration. .. code-block:: bash OBJECTS= fftmpiw.o fftmpi_map.o fftw3d.o fft3dlib.o INCS=-I$(MKLROOT)/include/fftw